Scorpion Pest Management Pty Ltd.

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pest management pty ltd


03 6268 5397


Keen To Get Green

Leading The Way in sustainable pest control

Our quest to focus our efforts on transforming Scorpion Pest Mgt into a more sustainable pest control company began in 2019, with our Keen To Get Green Campaign. Our mission was simple, to reduce our carbon footprint as a company by sourcing more environmentally friendly solutions to our practices, whilst maintaining the efficiency of our pest control services to Tasmanians.
Pest control is a necessary part of life. The monitoring and control of pests from our homes, businesses and farmland is necessary because they not only cause physical damages to the property; they are also capable of carrying life-threatening viruses and bacteria.
With that being said, pest control doesn’t need to have devastating effects to the habitat around it, which is why we have taken these important measures to improve our sustainability.

What We Are Doing

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management (IPM) combines the use of biological, cultural and chemical practices to control pests. Using selective pesticides for backup only when pests are unable to be controlled by natural means.

IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction within their environment. In addition to water based chemical treatments, Scorpion will educate customers on their pest problems, to deter future infestations.

Recyclable Rodent Stations

Rodent bait stations have several key benefits including keeping the bait protected from pets, children and other non-target animals. They also have another advantage, their material allows them to be used over and over again, reducing the need to create waste. 95% of Scorpions rodent stations are completely recyclable.

Sustainable Office Practices

We are not only mindful of reducing our carbon footprint out in the field but also dedicated to sustainability in our offices. Several waste-reducing practices have been implemented, including:

  • 100% recycled paper is used when printing is a necessity
  • Cartridge-free printing with fully recyclable ink that is safe for curb side pickup
  • Recycling bins in office kitchens
  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Energy-Saving equipment
  • Reusable supplies
  • Water conservation
  • Waste Reduction Programs

Solar Power

Solar powered offices provides long-term and sustainable solutions for Scorpion Pest Management. They don't produce any emissions when producing electricity and use significantly less fuel then fossil fuel methods of generation.

Paperless Business Systems

In pest control, there is often a significant amount of paperwork. To reduce paper waste and enhance efficiency for both our employees and customers, we have digitised our systems wherever possible.

Our fleet of pest technicians are equipped with phones and tablets to manage their daily tasks, including booking systems, invoicing, SDSs, CRMs, customer information sheets, and more.

Environmental Programs

Our environmental programs are dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through proactive initiatives that protect natural resources, reduce pollution, and promote biodiversity. By engaging with our community in educational efforts, we strive to create a healthier environment and ensure the well-being of current and future generations.

Scorpion takes part in various events throughout the year, including World Cleanup Day, Earth Hour, World Earth Day, Zero Waste Day, Clean Up Australia Day, and Planet Ark’s National Tree Day. On National Tree Day, we donate plants and actively participate alongside our community, engaging with Tasmanian schools and community organisations to promote positive environmental change.

Trees Donated
0 +

Proudly donated over 1000 Trees to Tasmanian Schools & Community's

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