Scorpion Pest Management Pty Ltd.


03 6268 5397

Ant pest control

Ant Pest Control

Are ants marching through your home or business?

There are over 1000 species of ants in Australia, with Tasmania having about 140. Ants are social insects that dwell in permanent nests. Colonies vary in size and are mostly located in soil, wood and among rocks. They are typically found near foundations and in walls, roof spaces, kitchens, lawns, gardens, rotting trees, and rockeries.

Ant infestations can range from mild to severe, building their nests in your paths, roof, walls, and insulation.

All ant services begin with a thorough inspection in and around the building structure, including gardens and paths. The primary goal is to locate and treat as many ant colonies as possible.

Scorpions’ technicians will inspect problem areas, following ant trails to locate nesting sites and determine where ants are entering and feeding in your home or business. During the inspection, we will identify the ant species to determine the best method of treatment. The main species encountered in Tasmania are Black House Ants & Argentine Ants.

Black House Ant

Identification: 3mm long, dark black.

Habitat: Nests under paths, stones, and voids in structures. Forms long distinctive trails.

Black ants have been known to arch power points, light fittings any electrical by clumping or in a large cluster that shorts out the devices. Black ants like to feed on black sooty mould, citrus, eucalypt & gum trees, they prefer the sunny side of a home mainly northerly aspect and are prone all year round.
Black ants are more noticeable in homes during winter as they seek out warm areas, such as light fittings, hot water cylinders, electrical appliances, power points to protect and build their colony.

In summer black ants seek out for food & water sources, black ants will nest in building structures because there is an adequate food/water supply nearby.

Tasmanian black house ant
Agentine Ant

Argentine Ant

Often the most common Ant problem reported.

Identification: 2-3mm long. Light brown to brown colour.

Habitat: Nests usually outside and under paving and other objects, near water and food sources.

During a dry spell Argentine ants will venture inside buildings for water, moisture and you will find them in your wet areas.

Wet weather and weather systems often draw them into buildings to seek dryer grounds. ( Too dry or too wet they will come inside) these ants are mostly an outdoor insect and in 80% of the cases they don’t pose structural risk like black ants.

Argentine ants can short out the element in a hot water cylinder, so when the element starts to leak the ants will get in great numbers for the moisture which will cause arching across the two terminals and cause the element to burn out.

Jack Jumper

Identification: 11-12mm long.

Habitat: Jack Jumpers are primarily active during the day, nesting in open habitats and bushland.

Jack Jumpers can be treated, but the nest must be located before the technicians come on site and powdering directly into it.

If you see 1 or 2 jack jumpers the closer you get to their nest the more you will see, they fan out from a central location.

They will sting and can cause anaphylaxis in people.

Jack Jumper Ant Tasmania
sugar ant

Sugar Ant

Identification: 2-6mm long brownie/black/red colour, they tend to come out mainly in the mornings and late afternoon marching towards a specific area.

They tend to dig up gardens, paths, and slabs, they make a mound out of the dirt.

Potential Threats From Tasmanian Ants

Although most Tasmanian ants are more of a nuisance than a danger, there is one species in particular that is labelled as Australia’s most poisonous – the Jack Jumper. They tend to jump aggressively towards potential threats to themselves or their nests. Around 3% of Tasmanians are allergic to their fiery sting, and approximately 1 death every 4 years is recorded.
Only a few of the Tasmanian species constitute a nuisance in Tasmanian homes and gardens. However, some Myrmecia species (jack jumpers, inchmen, bulldog ants, bull ants) can trigger severe allergies in some people, necessitating immediate medical intervention.

Methods of treatment may include:

  • Insecticidal dusts
  • Liquid ant baits
  • Insecticidal spray
  • Nonchemical means

What Attracts Ants To My Home?

If you have ants inside your home, they are looking for one of two things (or both) food and water. The presence of food is a very powerful motivator for ants. Ants can enter your house through food storage that is not properly secured, spilt liquids, unsealed food containers, leftover crumbs and spilt or open pet food. They are drawn to meals that are exceptionally sugary, fatty, and protein rich.

Garbage, both inside and outside the home is a major magnet for ants. Water is necessary for ant life, ants looking for moisture may be drawn to regions with leaky pipes, plumbing problems, and excess wetness.

What Attracts Ants To My Business?

Ants are drawn to businesses and commercial locations for a variety of reasons, the most important of which being their needs for food, water, and shelter. Understanding what attracts ants can assist organisations in implementing preventative steps to keep these pests at bay.

Due to their opportunistic feeding habits, ants are frequently drawn to establishments that handle or keep food and food waste. Ants can be attracted to leftover crumbs, spilt drinks, open food containers, and badly sealed food storage. Many ant species are drawn to sweet things, such as sugary beverages, syrups, pastries, and spilt sugary items. If not adequately handled, restaurants, cafés, and bakeries are especially prone to ant infestations.

Water is essential for ant existence. Leaky pipes, plumbing problems, and locations with excess moisture can all attract ants looking for water. Ants are more prone to infest businesses with moist basements, kitchens, or storage facilities.

Ants can be drawn to accumulated rubbish both inside and outside of a business. Trash cans, dumpsters, and recycling bins that are not securely sealed or emptied on a regular basis can serve as ant breeding grounds.

Ants may make nests in landscape elements like plants, trees, or gardens that are adjacent to a building where a business is located and then forage inside the facility for food. In order to locate food sources, ants can leave smell trails that other ants can follow. To get rid of these trails and stop more infestations, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean the affected areas if a business has already experienced an ant infestation.

Scorion Graphic Light
"Excellent customer service, great communication, took the time to do a thorough job and haven't seen a spider since. Highly recommended."

Paula Clancy

How Does Scorpion Treat Ants?

Ants are treated using preventive approaches and targeted ant control through a variety of methods depending on the type of ant, the severity of infestation and location of activity. Technicians will inspect the home or business for signs of activity and determine the most effective method of application. This may include non-chemical means, the use of sprays, powders, and gels.

What Can I Do?

Consider applying the following practises to keep ants away from your home or business:

  • Clean and sanitise your kitchen, dining areas, and other locations where food is cooked and consumed on a regular basis and food should be stored in sealed containers and kept off the floor.
  • Stop ants from entering by sealing any gaps, cracks, or holes.
  • Maintain gardens and landscape elements to reduce ant nesting chances, black sooty mould and scale.

You may lessen the possibility of ant infestations in your home and place of business by taking care of these issues and maintaining appropriate hygiene and sanitation.

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