Insect bite & Sting Identification

Insect bites and stings can be hard to identify yourself. Let's take a look at common Tasmanian culprits.


Spider bite severity varies depending on which species has bitten you. Typically a spider bite is hard to distinguish from any other bug, its may be:

  • Red, itchy & inflamed.
  • Pain radiating from the bite.
  • Blistered.

Most Tasmanian spiders are harmless and bites may go unnoticed. There are some species however that may require further medical attention, those include the Red back spider and the Funnel web spider.


Honeybee stings can deliver painful stings, however generally only sting when feeling provoked. On other hand, wasps can be more aggressive and sting continuously.

Symptoms may include:

  • Raised welt around the sting site.
  • A tiny white mark may be in the middle of the welt where the stinger punctured the skin.

Bed bugs can bite anywhere on the body where there is skin but tend to be on the hands, neck, face, shoulders, legs and arms. Symptoms of bites can include:

  • A raised itchy bump with a clear centre.
  • Rash can resemble conditions like hives or eczema.
  • Bites often grouped together and at times may occur in a line or zigzag pattern.

Fortunately, although ant bites can be inconvenient and irritating, most stings are relatively harmless. Symptoms of a typical sting may include:

  • redness, mild pain, burning, mild swelling and itching.

The ant most frequntly assosiated with allergic reactions is commonly known as the jack jumper ant. These Ants have a dark black body and orange/brown pincers and limbs. Severe reactions from a Jack jumper sting may include:

  • Swelling of the tongue.
  • Wheeze or persistent cough.
  • Tightness in the throat.
  • Abdominal pain and vomiting.

It is difficult to conclusively identify an insect bite or sting. Doctors may be able to help, but marking characteristics are similar across a whole range of insects and spiders.